Tuesday 2 November 2010

Week 15 - OMMG - 6 weeks to go!!

Dartmoor was my 8th KIMM/OMM and my 5th Long Score and my 4th with my erstwhile partner Paul 'Metronome' Miller.  We had a great time, coming in 49th after a bit of a late arrival on day 1 (oops!).  Best of all was that I felt brilliant throughout and felt like I could have gone on and on and on after the end of both days.  Paul, who is 18 years my senior, ran his butt off and was as strong and metronomic as ever, making for a really good workout and a good test of discipline and pacing.  The OMM usually wipes you out, whereas I felt warmed up.  No pain on Monday and ready to run straight after - brilliant.

The OMM is a very complete workout, mental and physical.  It tests your ability to withstand discomfort (esp at the overnight camp), sleep deprivation, bad weather and also running for many hours over bad ground with a heavy pack.,  Dartmoor didn't hold the climbs for me that I would gravitate towards, but it provided enough tussocks and bog to keep me honest.

A brilliant bonus was a little relapse after the OMM.  Paul and I stayed down in Devon with Dave, Jon, Martin and Graham - four fellow OMMers and all good men and true.  They have a tradition of a post OMM beer or 6, and so i decided it would be rude not too join in. 6 pints of real ale in a brilliant pub, CAMRA recommended and everything.  I might be getting fitter, but my drinking ability is poor.  The hangover was awful.

Now it's November and 6 weeks to go.  I feel fit and well, strong even.  I really want to work hard this month, with a 2 week taper in early December.  More than that is too much in my opinion. 

It's time now for 12 hour days, about four or five of them.  I think that is all that seperates me from the round.  That and getting the logistics in place...


  1. Well done Mark, sounds like the preparations are going well. You looked a bit confused when I tapped you on the shoulder Sunday morning, was good to see you. Keep up the good work.


  2. Aye good to see you Karl. I was in the zone a bit, sorry!! Hope your OMM was a good un

